
Kampus Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Kampus Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia .

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Jumat, 30 Oktober 2020

Operator Aritmatika Tugas Pertemuan Offline


Mengenal Operator Aritmatika  dalam Bahasa pemrograman

1. Kode Operator Aritmatika

  • + (jumlah) adalah operator untuk menjumlahkan dua buah angka atau lebih
  • -(kurang) adalah jenis operator untuk memproses operasi pengurangan antara dua angka atau lebih
  • * (kali) adalah operator yang digunakan untuk proses perkalian
  • / (bagi) adalah operator uang digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil bagi dari 2 buah angka

using System;
public class Program
 public static void Main()
  Console.WriteLine("Input Output dan Operasi C# Coding Online");
  Console.WriteLine("Masukan Nilai x");
  int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  Console.WriteLine("Masukan Nilai y");
  int y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
 if(y != 0)
   double hasil1 = x * y ;
   Console.WriteLine("Hasil Perkalian adalah = "+ hasil1);
   double hasil2 = x / y ;
   Console.WriteLine("Hasil Pembagian adalah = "+ hasil2);
   double hasil3 = x + y ;
   Console.WriteLine("Hasil Penjumlahan adalah = "+ hasil3);
   double hasil4 = x - y ;
   Console.WriteLine("Hasil Pengurangan Adalah = "+ hasil4);

Koding C#

Outpot yang Dihasilkan

Senin, 26 Oktober 2020

Tugas Pertemuan 4 Notasi Algoritma

 Buatlah Notasi algoritma Program untuk menghitung luas persegi panjang .

Note :
Notasi algoritma yang perlu anda buat (Kalimat Deskriptif, Flowchart, Pseudocode)

Kalimat Deskriptif  
Notasi algoritma dengan menggunakan kalimat deskriptif disebut juga notasi alami. Notasi algoritma deskriptif dilakukan dengan cara menuliskan intruksi-intruksi yang musti dilaksanakan dalam bentuk untaian kalimat deskriptif dengan menggunakan bahasa yang jelas. Notasi deskriptif ini disarankan untuk algoritma yang pendek karena apabila untuk algoritma yang panjang notasi deskriptif kurang efektif.  Secara garis besar notasi deskriptif tersusun atas tiga bagian utama, yaitu :

  • Bagian Judul, merupakan bagian yang terdiri atas nama algoritma dan penjelasan atau spesifikasi algoritma tersebut.
  • Bagian Deklarasi, merupakan bagian untuk mendefinisikan semua nama yang digunakan pada algoritma dapat berupa variabel, konstanta, tipe ataupun fungsi

Kalimat Deskriptif Luas Persegi Panjang

Masukkan Nilai Panjang
MAsukkan Nilai Lebar
Hitung nilai Luas = Panjang* Lebar
Tampilkan nilai Luas


Flowchart merupakan penulisan algoritma dengan menggunakan notasi grafis. Flowchart adalah bagan yang mempelihatkan tahapan dari suatu program dan hubungan antar proses beserta penyataannya. Ilustrasi ini dinyatakan dalam simbol, setiap simbol mempunyai makna tertentu untuk proses tertentu. Simbol-simbol flowchart yang umumnya digunakan adalah simbol-simbol flowchart standar yang dikeluarkan oleh ANSI dan ISO.


Pseudecode merupakan cara penulisan algoritma yang menyerupai bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi. Pada umumnya notasi pseudecode menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti secara umum dan juga lebih ringkas dari pada algoritma. Pseudecode berisi deskripsi dari algoritma pemrograman komputer yang menggunakan struktur sederhana dari beberapa bahasa pemrograman tetapi bahasa tersebut hanya ditujukan agar bisa terbaca dan dimengerti manusia. Sehingga pseudecode tidak dipahami oleh komputer. Supaya notasi pseudecode dapat dimengerti oleh komputer maka musti diterjemahkan ke dalam sintaks bahasa pemrograman tertentu.

Pada notasi pseudecode tidak aturan tertentu yang resmi. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kata kunci yang umum digunakan seperti if, then, else, while, do, for, repeat dan lainya. Struktur penulisan algoritma dengan notasi pseudeccode secara umum sama dengan notasi deskriptif.

Pseudecode Luas Persegi Panjang

program menghitung_luas_persegi_panjang deklarasi: var panjang:lebar:luas:integer; Deskripsi: panjang <- 6; lebar <- 2; luas <- panjang*lebar; write (luas);

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020

Kampus Terbaik di Lampung Universitas Indonesia Borong Juara KRSBI Humanoid di Ajang Nasional


Bandar Lampung, - Robot Sepak Bola Indonesia karya cipta Mahasiswa Teknokrat Indonesia, perguruan tinggi swasta terbaik di Lampung berhasil memboyong 3 piala dalam ajang bergengsi Kontes Robot Sepak Bola Indonesia (KRSBI) Humanoid, yang digelar 7-8 Oktober 2020.

Event yang diselengarakan pusat prestasi nasional Kementrian Riset Teknologi dan pendidikan tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) RI dan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tersebut, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) memborong juara dari semua kategori sekaligus.

UTI membawa pulang gelar Juara satu untuk kategori KRSBI Humanoid Mengiring Bola dan KRSBI Kategori Lari, serta juara dua KRSBI Kerjasama robot. Yang menetapkan UTI untuk melenggang ke ajang nasional.

"Kontesnya KRSBI Humanoid, diselenggarakan dalam dua wilayah dan satu nasional. Yang baru saja kita ikuti wilayah 1, meliputi sumatera, Jawa bagian barat dan sebagian Jawa Tengah," ujar Pembimbing divisi KRSBI Humanoid UTI Maulana Aziz Assuja.

Maulana menjelaskan, diikutinya kompetisi tersebut  untuk meningkatkan keilmuan dan kreatifitas mahasiswa di bidang robotika. Dalam kontes ini, mahasiswa dituntut untuk bisa mengembangkan kemampuan dalam bidang mekanika, manufaktur, elektronika, pemograman, artificial intelligent, image processing, komunikasi digital, strategi, kemampuan meneliti dan menulis artikel.

Sekaligus diperlukan pengembangan ke arah disiplin, toleransi, sportifitas, kerjasama, saling menghargai, kontrol emosi dan kemampuan softskill lainnya.  "Ini tidak hanya sebagai Implementasi kebijakan Kampus Merdeka. Namun juga untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan rangka pengembangan kompetisi di era Revolusi Industri 4.0, Society 5.0. Kami berharap bisa meraih hasil yang lebih baik di Nasional nanti," pungkasnya.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2020

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Strives to become World Class University: "The Leading Campus" said MOEC

Bandar Lampung, - The Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) Republic of Indonesia hopes that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will become a World Class University said the Head of Higher Education Coordination Commission (LLDIKTI) Region 2, Nuril Furkan, after receiving predicate "Outstanding" from National Accreditation Body (BAN-PT) Indonesia. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been “the leading campus” in Sumatera that achieves this accreditation predicate according to official website Direktori Institusi BAN PT. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is well-known by its students’ reputable achievement within local, national and international scale. According to Nuril, good accreditation represents the efforts of the Rector and his management team in building good quality education system so that lecturers and students are able to compete not only in Asian but also global scale. “I hope that in the
future, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will continue to achieve International recognition, nurture future leaders who can contribute to development of the state and nation. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will always improve educational facilities and infrastructure in order to provide supporting academic environments for its staffs, lecturers, and students said Nuril. In addition, Nuril also hopes that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will be able to expand its international collaboration to support learning innovations and can produce outstanding alumni. Nuril's statement was conveyed in the 2020 Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Tuesday, September 22, 2020.

In addition, Nuril also congratulated the graduates for their successful study and put strong emphasis on life-long learning. "Graduates and alumni are expected to apply the knowledge, skills, and character they have acquired while studying at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia" explained Nuril. There are 200 graduates who come from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Letters and Educational Sciences. The Chairman of Yayasan Pendidikan Teknokrat Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, S.E, M.M said to the 200 graduates and the best students from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences and Faculty of Arts and Education, “Graduates must show their outstanding character in the community, respect others, and give big contribution to Indonesia.

Even though this graduation ceremony was not attended by parents due to COVID-19 Pandemic, parents can still watch the graduation ceremony broadcasted live on YouTube at Universitas Teknokrat Channel. Mahathir said Corona pandemic was not decreased students’ motivation to compete various competitions. They participate in reputable online competitions such as debate, robotic, and entrepreneurship.  Regarding education system, according to Mahathir, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been using online learning system in order to support the lectures. Until now, online learning system were still running effectively to accommodate the faculty’s academic activities during COVID-19 Pandemic.

Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA. stated that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will ensure the quality all graduates since they have been nurtured and trained with not only competency-based curriculum but also supported with complete and sufficient facilities. “Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia strives to become a world class university that is leading in research and entrepreneurial capacity” said Nasrullah.

Bandar Lampung, - The Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) Republic of Indonesia hopes that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will become a World Class University said the Head of Higher Education Coordination Commission (LLDIKTI) Region 2, Nuril Furkan, after receiving predicate "Outstanding" from National Accreditation Body (BAN-PT) Indonesia. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been “the leading campus” in Sumatera that achieves this accreditation predicate according to official website Direktori Institusi BAN PT. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is well-known by its students’ reputable achievement within local, national and international scale. According to Nuril, good accreditation represents the efforts of the Rector and his management team in building good quality education system so that lecturers and students are able to compete not only in Asian but also global scale. “I hope that in the future, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will continue to achieve International recognition, nurture future leaders who can contribute to development of the state and nation. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will always improve educational facilities and infrastructure in order to provide supporting academic environments for its staffs, lecturers, and students said Nuril. In addition, Nuril also hopes that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will be able to expand its international collaboration to support learning innovations and can produce outstanding alumni. Nuril's statement was conveyed in the 2020 Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Tuesday, September 22, 2020.

In addition, Nuril also congratulated the graduates for their successful study and put strong emphasis on life-long learning. "Graduates and alumni are expected to apply the knowledge, skills, and character they have acquired while studying at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia" explained Nuril. There are 200 graduates who come from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Letters and Educational Sciences. The Chairman of Yayasan Pendidikan Teknokrat Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, S.E, M.M said to the 200 graduates and the best students from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences and Faculty of Arts and Education, “Graduates must show their outstanding character in the community, respect others, and give big contribution to Indonesia.

Even though this graduation ceremony was not attended by parents due to COVID-19 Pandemic, parents can still watch the graduation ceremony broadcasted live on YouTube at Universitas Teknokrat Channel. Mahathir said Corona pandemic was not decreased students’ motivation to compete various competitions. They participate in reputable online competitions such as debate, robotic, and entrepreneurship.  Regarding education system, according to Mahathir, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been using online learning system in order to support the lectures. Until now, online learning system were still running effectively to accommodate the faculty’s academic activities during COVID-19 Pandemic.

Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA. stated that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will ensure the quality all graduates since they have been nurtured and trained with not only competency-based curriculum but also supported with complete and sufficient facilities. “Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia strives to become a world class university that is leading in research and entrepreneurial capacity” said Nasrullah.